Work in progress! Check back later to see if it's done. :)

About The SCP Fandation

The SCP Foundation is a collaborative speculative fiction website about The SCP Foundation, a secretive organization that contains anomalous or supernatural items and entities away from the eyes of the public.More info about the SCP universe and official wiki here.

This is an SCP fan website created by damien i guess in an effort to collect and archive their creations for The SCP Foundation without going through the hassle1 of trying to get their article greenlit or having to post it on somewhere like Archive of Our Own.2Originally intended to be a website to let everyone post their alternate universe(s), OCs, and fan articles without making it official on the actual SCP wiki or posting it anywhere else but soon scrapped the idea as damien realized it would be very difficult to manage and even try to create that type of website in the first place.


1. Referring to having social anxiety and being afraid of other people's opinions.

2. Aka AO3.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this official?

No. This is a fan website.

Isn't this copyright infringement?

No. The SCP Foundation is under the Creative Commons License. If the people who own/moderate the official SCP Foundation site want it down, I will take it down.1 Plus this is not to mimic the SCP wiki in its entirety, just the look and feel of it, I will not make articles of already-existing SCPs and tales unless it's a re-write.

Can I post an article?

Yes, but this is only limited to tales.

How can I post an article?

this is actually a work in progress, so come back in like a week or something to see if i found a way yet -damien

Isn't regulating this type of site hard?

Yes, if it gets too stressful/overwhelming/etc. for me, I'll stop accepting anymore tales not made by me. I am stubborn and I don't want any help regulating the site and everything.
dreams cant always come true and thats something im okay with :] -damien

What are the rules for posting articles?

That can be found here.


1. More than 1, I'm not trusting a single person to speak for the entire wiki.

Item #: SCP-963Object Class: EuclidSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-963 is to be kept with Dr. Emrys (or whoever is 963's host) at all times. When not in use, SCP-963 should be kept with either Dr. Clef or Dr. O5-6, due to their immunity to SCP-963's effects. However, if neither of them are available, SCP-963 is to be locked in a 10x10x10" glass case kept in ███ ██████, which is in Dr. Emrys' office.SCP-963 is hung by a chain around the host's neck or belt loop. 963 is not allowed to be hidden upon the subject's body. Any attempt to do so will be met with lethal force. SCP-963 should not be hidden upon the host's body due to multiple accounts of misidentification from other SCP Foundation staff members. The only exception is if they are outside of foundation premises.Description: SCP-963-1 is an ornate amulet approximately 15 centimeters in circumference made from silver, with six ██k brilliant-cut diamonds surrounding a ███k rhombus-cut ruby in a chevron pattern. It was discovered in the personal effects of ███████ █████ who had been found dead by apparent suicide, surrounded by various supernatural-related books. An SCP Foundation Agent in the area found that 963 was incapable of being damaged and brought it in according to protocol XLR-8R-██.OnceDr. Jack Emrys, a Senior Staff researcher, was assigned the responsibility of researching SCP-963's capabilities. On May ████ of that year, SCP-076-2 breached containment (see document 076-2-19A), leading to [REDACTED] deaths and ██ casualties. Dr. Emrys was transporting SCP-963 by hand past SCP-076-2's containment unit, and was among the first KIB (killed in breach). Approximately 5 days later, D1-329, tasked to clear the area of rubble, discovered 963-1 among the wreckage and picked it up. An immediate, noticeable change came over D1-329.Addendum:


Maybe I Have a Reason to Keep Going
